Wednesday, May 26, 2021

When things are not going well

  1. Problems, mishaps, experimental failures and rejection are common to the research experience of all scientists.
  2. If you are feeling anxiety and self-doubt about your research, you will not be alone. This is not a failure or weakness in you.
  3. Don’t assume that working longer and longer hours will solve all your research problems.
  4. If stresses are really getting to you, then open up to friends, welfare officers and your supervisor(s) about it. It is essential your supervisor knows because he or she will be part of the solution.
  5. Maintain a healthy and fulfilling life outside science. Avoid 24/7 immersion!
  6. Be prepared to take a complete break if you need to. Refresh your brain.
  7. Seek professional help and advice about depression early, don’t fight it entirely on your own.

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