Saturday, July 16, 2022

A good scientific talk is a good scientific story


A typical plot diagram for an action movie can be similar to a the narrative structure of a scientific presentation. Just as a protagonist overcomes obstacles through a series of action scenes, a scientist pursues scientific objectives through a series of experiments to reach a goal. As a scientist comes closer and closer to reaching a goal, curiosity comes to a maximal point, the initial scientific question is  answered, and the presentation reaches a sense of resolution.

Machine learning used in process of data science


Thursday, July 07, 2022

Top non-technical nuggets of wisdom of code

  •  Your code should work first; you can worry about optimization later.
  • Your code needs to run on a machine, but it also needs to be read by a human.
  • Keep away from boxes; you’re a developer.
  • Write unit tests for your code!
  • Knowledge is everywhere; learn how to tap into it and make the most of it.
  • Side projects are fantastic and should not be a scary thing to tackle.
  • Avoid companies that are like family.
  • Unlimited time off can be a trap, but it can also be a wonderful perk; make sure you ask the right questions.
  • Trivial perks that only adorn the job offering, such as free food and chill-out zones should be ignored.
  • Flexible hours, paid parental leave, company gear, and other useful perks are what you should look for as part of a job offer.
  • Plan first, code later. That way you have a blueprint to base your work on.
  • Everyone in your team is as important as you, even those who don’t write code.
  • Your ego can be the end of your career; you have to learn to keep it under control.
  • Do not fear code reviews. They’re a perfect learning opportunity; learn to get the most out of them.