Wednesday, August 11, 2021

An eagle egg that hatches in a chicken farm

There’s this story going around the internet about an eagle egg that hatches in a chicken farm. The eagle egg hatches near the chicken eggs. The local hens are so busy doing their thing that they don’t notice the baby eagle egg is not their own.

The eagle chick is born into the world and, having no knowledge of its own eagleness, joins its new family on a nervous and exciting first day of life. Over the next few years the baby eagle lives as chickens live. It eats chicken feed, learns to fly in short choppy hops a few feet at a time, and masters the rapid head jabs of the chicken strut.

One day, while strutting around the chicken farm, the young eagle sees something soaring through the sky. The flying creature has long wings, which it stretches wide before tucking them back in and angling itself downward for a dive towards the earth. The sight of this other-worldly bird stirs something in the young eagle. Over the next few weeks the eagle finds it can’t shake the vision of the soaring eagle from its mind. It tests the

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