Saturday, July 28, 2018

Cultural Evolution and Memetics

  • Culture: the attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors that, for a certain group, define their general way of life and that they have taken over from others.
  • Cultural evolution: the development of culture over time, as conceptualized through the mechanisms of variation and natural selection of cultural elements
  • Replicator: an information pattern that is able to make copies of itself, typically with the help of another system. Examples are genes, memes, and (computer) viruses.
  • Meme: a cultural replicator; a unit of imitation or communication.
  • Memeplex (or meme complex): a collection of mutually supporting memes, which tend to replicate together
  • Memetics: the theoretical and empirical science that studies the replication, spread and evolution of memes
  • Fitness: the overall success rate of a replicator, as determined by its degree of adaptation to its environment, and the three requirements of longevity, fecundity and copying- fidelity.
  • Longevity: the duration that an individual replicator survives.
  • Fecundity: the speed of reproduction of a replicator, as measured by the number of copies made per time unit
  • Copying-fidelity: the degree to which a replicator is accurately reproduced.
  • Vertical transmission: transmission of traits (memes or genes) from parents to offspring 
  • Horizontal transmission: transmission of traits between individuals of the same generation
  • Memotype: a meme in the form of information held in an individual’s memory. Mediotype: a meme as expressed in an external medium, such as a text, an artefact, a song, or a behavior.
  • Sociotype: the group or community of individuals who hold a particular meme in their memory.

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